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2009 | 1 | 174-186

Article title

Problem użycia terminu „konotacja", jego rozumienia oraz statusu ontologicznego konotacji

Title variants

The problem concerning the use and understanding of the term connotation, and the ontological status of connotation

Languages of publication



The article attempts to provide answers to the questions concerning the use, understanding and ontological status of connotation in the light of the anthropocentric theory of languages. The problems are examined on three levels: terminological, semantic and ontological. The problem on the level of terminology is largely attributed to the ambiguous use of the term connotation in the field of linguistics, i.e. from the point of view of logic, where connotation is understood as intension, and from the linguistic point of view, where connotation is identified as additional meaning. This leads to different understandings of connotation within the remit of semantics as regards its ‘relations' with denotation. A differentiation made between connotation viewed as an expression and connotation proper, together with an attempt to explain the latter's actual role in generating idiolectal meaning, constitutes a platform for further considerations of the problem of connotation on the level of ontology.






Physical description




  • Uniwersytet Warszawski


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