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2014 | 47 | 124-130

Article title

Motywy podejmowania aktywności fizycznej przez mieszkańców Elbląga


Title variants

Motives for physical activity involvement of inhabitants of Elbląg

Languages of publication



Background. The aim of this study was to ascertain the reasons for physical activity involvement of inhabitants of Elbląg, where the unemployment rate is the highest in Poland. The study was preceded by a review of the concept of physical activity and the impact of physical activity on our health. Motivation behind people’s involvement in physical activity is diverse and is determined by many factors: gender, age, social and health experience, economic status, current lifestyle and current state of health. Young people are inspired by other motives than the older (although they may be similar). Regardless of the motive, the participant’s physical activity always produces beneficial health effects. Active people are healthier, physically fit, and in good shape. Material and methods. The study included 60 persons (30 women and 30 men). A diagnostic survey was the research method. Results. Surveyed residents of Elbląg undertake physical activity on the grounds: the improvement of well-being, attention to physical fitness and health, and enjoyment of physical activity. To the least important motives they passed the pleasure of physical activity, and fashion. The majority of respondents, regardless of age, undertook physical activity at the same frequency. People often take the education of physical activity than those who are less educated. Conclusions. The essence of the physical activity and recreation is that every person can do it regardless of age, economic status, weather conditions, and the place of residence. Inhabitants of Elblag indicate a variety of motives behind their choice of physical activity.


  • Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu im. Jędrzeja Śniadeckiego w Gdańsku
  • Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu im. Jędrzeja Śniadeckiego w Gdańsku


Document Type

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YADDA identifier

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