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2023 | 5(178) | 49-76

Article title

Reakcja ustawodawcy na wszczęcie procedury nadmiernego deficytu. Przykład Polski w latach 2004–2008 oraz 2009–2015


Title variants

The Reaction of the Legislature to the Initiation of an Excessive Deficit Procedure. The Example of Poland in 2004–2008 and 2009–2015

Languages of publication



Accession to the European Union means that each Member State must comply, under the community treaties that have been adopted, with several principles and numerous operating standards, among which one can distinguish the maintenance of public finance discipline at a sufficiently low level. An instrument supporting the preservation of an adequate balance of public finance is the so-called excessive deficit procedure. Poland was subjected to the excessive deficit procedure in two periods: 2004–2008 and 2009–2015. The article employs a unique research methodology to establish long-term trends in law creation, based on the theory of supply and demand. In particular, this text focuses on the question of whether a certain law was intended to increase or decrease the costs of performing state functions. It demonstrates through the use of the tools of mathematical modeling that the excessive deficit procedure applied to Poland not only had an impact on state finances, but also had a long-term effect on the legislature, which consistently created regulations aimed at reducing public expenditure. The paper underlines the significance of sustainable public finances for macroeconomic stability, using Poland as a case study. Despite the beneficial impact of the excessive deficit procedure in reducing Poland’s public debt, the research uncovers a recurring pattern of increasing public spending after improving financial stability.





Physical description


  • Prof. dr hab. Paweł Chmielnicki University of Warsaw, Faculty of Journalism, Information and Bibliology, Poland Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii, Polska pchmieln@poczta.onet.pl, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3161-9397
  • Karol Strzała, MBA Lazarski University, Faculty of Economics and Management, Poland Uczelnia Łazarskiego, Wydział Ekonomii i Zarządzania, Polska karolstrzala@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7883-0771


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