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2018 | 1 | 231-243

Article title

Proč „nádeníci Efraima“? Několik poznámek k interpretaci Iz 28,1.3 v LXX

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Why “Hirelings of Ephraim”? Some Remarks on an Interpretation of Isa 28:1, 3 in LXX

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The Masoretic version of Isa 28:1,3 speaks of the “drunkards of Ephraim”, while the Septuagint version mentions the “hirelings of Ephraim”. On the one hand, the difference can be easily explained: unvocalized שכרי אפרים enables a reading here of a word related to שׁכר (to be drunk) as well as to שׂכר (to hire). On the other hand, the scholarly discussion seems to ignore a quite surprising fact that the Greek translator decided to choose the less fitting interpretation of שכרי, considering the context of chap. 28. The paper attemps to ponder over possible reasons.








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  • Katedra biblických věd, Cyrilometodějská teologická fakulta, Univerzita Palackého, Univerzitní 22, 771 11 Olomouc


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