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2017 | 21(28) | 43-52

Article title

Geneza i przebieg konfliktu w Czadzie 1965–1984



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Unpopular decisions of the first president of Chad, François Tombalbaye, quickly led to dissatisfaction, mainly among discriminated Muslim people living in the northern part of the country, for Chad’s population comprises a number of tribes. They speak different dialects and have different religious beliefs, including Islam, Christianity, and Animism. Not without significance is also the fact that the borders of the country were set artificially, with no consideration of ethnic areas or historical context. As soon as in 1965, a civil war erupted and in the following year the National Liberation Front of Chad (FROLINAT) was established. It was a rebel group aiming to overthrow the president. In 1975, in effect of internal terror and purge in the army, F. Tombalbaye was overthrown and succeeded by gen. F. Malloum. Yet FROLINAT continued the fight until 1979 when Hissène Habré took over. The subsequent years made the long-lasting period of bloody combat between the new president and his ex-collaborator Goukouni Oueddei. During that time, several countries started to intervene in Chadian internal affairs, including France, Libya, USA and neighboring countries. Foreign support for opposing politicians made the crisis in Chad even longer.





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  • Uniwersytet Łódzki


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