The problem of freedom considered in the broad context of self-fulfilment is in my view not merely an intellectual challenge, but also one of the most difficult existential experiences. Dealing with issues concerning the reality of human freedom and self-fulfilment directs us to the anthropological concept of the subjectivity of the individual and the questions it prompts. That is so because if we assume freedom to be a fundamental property of man’s subjectivity, embedded in its extremely complex structure, it then turns out to be among the fundamental conditions for the realisation of his humanity. By capturing more and more closely the specifics of individual subjectivity, we will achieve a deeper insight into what man really is. Karol Wojtyła’s concept of freedom is another voice in the philosophical discourse on man, his nature and the sense of his worldly pilgrimage. As we follow the successive stages and elements of Wojtyła’s phenomenological analyses, we may observe how freedom is constituted in the individual and how it can become the foundation of man’s self-fulfilment; how creative and dynamic was Wojtyła’s personal activity may perhaps also come to light.