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2012 | 4 | 69-96

Article title

The emergence and development of architecture on the casemate foundation platforms in the Nile Delta


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Foundation platforms with casemate construction appeared in Egypt in the middle of the second millennium BC, but the most complete development of them is related to the first millennium BC. At this time, casemate technique became widespread and extremely influential in the urban landscape. Given the area where most casemate platforms have been identified, the diversity of structures which were erected on such foundation or the range of chronology of these layouts, the complexity of the discussed issue should be mentioned here. This highlights the necessity of recognizing why this form of foundation came into being and how it developed. The factors which are to be included in this analysis are: construction quality of casemate platforms, natural conditions and political circumstances in which they could be raised and, moreover, religious beliefs or social and demographic changes. This multifaceted subject allows us to realize how complex cultural phenomenon Egyptian civilization was and what information could be obtained thanks to an analysis of its urban architecture.






Physical description




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