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2016 | 2(18) | 14

Article title

Federacja Rosyjska w rywalizacji o Arktykę


Title variants

Russian Federation in competition for the Arctic

Languages of publication



The article features the area of the Arctic which is the place of rivalry of countries. It occupies a special place in the Russian Federation’s energy and security policies. Moreover, the author draws a particular attention to features that today attract a growing interest in the Arctic area by the states claiming the right to it, and which include the United States, Canada, Den-mark, Norway and the Russian Federation. The most significant factors proving the importance of the Arctic include a large number of energy resources, which because of climate warming, are becoming more available, the size of the Arctic area and new transport routes. All these features make the Arctic an essential area of international engagement.


  • Akademia Obrony Narodowej


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  • 5. Pedersen Torbjørn, Debates over the Role of the Arctic Council, Ocean Development & International Law, vol. 43, issue 2, 2012.
  • 6. Roi Michael L., Russia: The Greatest Arctic Power?, Journal of Slavic Military Studies, vol. 23, issue 4, 2010.
  • 7. Rzeszutko-Piotrowska Małgorzata, Aktywność Federacji Rosyjskiej w regionie Arktyki – wybrane problemy rywalizacji mocarstw, Rocznik Bezpieczeń-stwa, vol. 8, nr 1/2014.
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  • 1. www.abc.com.pl.
  • 2. www.archive.kremlin.ru.
  • 3. www.bbn.gov.pl.
  • 4. www.biznes.pl.
  • 5. www.dw.com.
  • 6. www.en.expedition-hope.org.
  • 7. www.file.scirp.org.
  • 8. www.odkrywcy.pl.
  • 9. www.odnako.org.
  • 10. www.psz.pl/
  • 11. www.rg.ru.
  • 12. www.ria.ru.
  • 13. www.stosunki.pl.
  • 14. www.usgs.gov.
  • 15. www.wiadomosci.gazeta.pl.

Document Type

Publication order reference



YADDA identifier

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