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Article title

Człowiek jest dzieckiem miłości, nie przypadku. Zarys teologii stworzenia według św. Jana Pawła II



Title variants

Man is a Child of Love, not of the Accident. The Outline of the Theology of Creation according to John Paul II
Der Mensch ist ein Kind der Liebe, nicht des Zufalls. Abriss der Schöpfungstheologie nach dem hl. Johannes Paul II
L’homme est l’enfant de l’amour et non pas du hasard. L’esquisse de la théologie de la création d’après Jean Paul II

Languages of publication



The creation of the world and of man by God constitutes the foundation of the theological reflection. The Creator is the One from whom all things come to existence and life. Man must have the conscience of being created. The teaching of Blessed John Paul II causes “the conscience of creation”. This “conscience” is the basis of “the conscience of Redemption”, the Redemptiom offered by the Son of God. The article is based on selected catechesis of the Polish Pope. and outlines the major trends in papal teaching on creation. The article begins with reflecting on the theme of creative, free and wise act of God who is himself love. Then the article shows the Trinity as a source of creation, the issue of God’s glory in creation, the theme of the Divine Providence and the Christological perspective of meaning and of the purpose in human existence.




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