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2016 | Family in the process of changes 2 (5)/2016 | 68-74

Article title

Professional Competence As Social Educational Capital

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The article presents different approaches to understanding the notions “competence” and “competences” in the context of competence approach. Different points of view concerning the interpretation of these notions are presented in this article. A special attention is paid to the authors` definition notions “competence” and “competences”. The competence is treated as a system of knowledge, habits, skills, manner of activity and social communication and provides for realization the certain educational function. It means that the competence becomes competence only in interrelation of its components. Competences is treated as ability of a specialist to realize the obtained functions in certain types of pedagogical activity. The authors point to the departure from highly-personal approach to activity-functional approach in interpretation of these notions.




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  • Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Eastern European National University


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Publication order reference



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