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2022 | 21 | 109-163

Article title

Relikty osady z młodszych faz wczesnego średniowiecza na stanowisku nr 39 w Krąplewie, gm. Stęszew, woj. wielkopolskie



Title variants

Relics of a settlement from the earlier phases of the early Middle Ages at site no. 39 in Krąplewo, Stęszew municipality, Wielkopolskie Voivodeship

Languages of publication



The article is devoted to the relics of a settlement discovered at site 39 in Krąplewo, Poznań county, whose functioning dates back to the late 12th and the first half of the 13th century. It occupied hills stretching on the eastern bank of the Samica Stęszewska River, elevated above the valley floor by almost 20 metres. The remains of residential and farm buildings formed a band stretching across the entire area recognized by the excavation, at a length of about 120 metres. The western zone of the settlement was destroyed during the works preceding the construction of the road – along with the accumulation layer deposited in this part, the ceiling parts of the objects were removed, or those that were buried to a shallow depth were removed completely. The way the buildings are laid out leads us to guess that they were built along the route leading towards the ford on the river. The remains of a residential building (object 40) were preserved in the best condition. Within the boundaries of the 3.36 x 3.32 pit two smaller hollows used as cellars were located. A hearth located in the larger of the two indicates that food was prepared and stored here. In the case of the remaining structures interpreted as relics of residential buildings, only the more heavily sunken cellars were preserved: 2, 3 and 14, 15 and 16, and 33. The houses were accompanied by numerous cavities, mainly associated with the storage of agricultural crops. Among the outbuildings accompanying the residential buildings, those related to metallurgy are noteworthy. The variation in the fill, monumental material and form, testifies to a variety of uses, from smelting ore to processing and treating raw material. Their particular accumulation is evident in the vicinity of the relics of homestead 40, where as many as 4 such objects were discovered: 20, 21, 25 and 38. It is difficult to say whether all the homesteads had equipment related to metallurgy – it is possible that only the occupants of the homestead at building 40 were engaged in metallurgy, and the isolated finds of slags in the fills of the other objects are secondary. Probably, the nearby valley floor of the Samica River and the Trzcielin Canal was the closest place from which it was possible to extract limonite ores, which were later processed at the settlement. The accumulation of objects related to metallurgy indicates that the easements of the Krąplewo settlement were also related to the extraction of ores and their processing. Donations in iron, whether in the form of raw material or finished products, played a rather important role due to the growing demand for the material – even if turf ores did not provide high-quality raw material, they were good enough for the manufacture of necessary tools on the local market. The results of archaeological research conducted on the opposite bank of the Samica River (site 29) indicate that the numerous residential and economic structures discovered there are the remnants of the same settlement that was recognized at site 39. Derived slag, sinter, and fragments of clay jets attest to the mining and processing of iron ore in the area as well. The formation of the settlement at Krąplewo, like several other similarly dated settlements discovered west of Poznań, is linked to the internal colonization of the domain of the Dukes of Greater Poland, which began in the mid-12th century. The analysis of the distribution of these settlements allows us to reconstruct a supra-regional route, connecting Poznań with Silesia, which crossed the wide and inaccessible valley of the Samica River precisely in the region of Krąplewo.






Physical description




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Document Type

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