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2017 | 3(17) | 4 | 66-86

Article title

Governance of director and executive remuneration in leading firms of Australia


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The aim of the paper is to examine how the introduction of state regulation and self-regulation impacts on the disclosure of director and executive remuneration in Australia. In doing so, we step beyond the simple state-market dichotomy in the extant literature, and proposes a symbiotic association between both regulatory modes for remuneration governance. The study reveals that remuneration disclosure levels are significantly higher after the advent of both self-regulatory and state regulatory reforms rather than state regulation alone. Furthermore, foreign-MNCs which experience increased agency problems due to spatial complexities and increased liabilities of foreignness do not have a superior disclosure level of director and executive remuneration: findings with important messages for policy makers and for regulators.







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  • Faculty of Business Administration, Lahore School of Economics, Main Campus, Barki Road, Lahore, Pakistan (ORCID ID-0000-0001-5423-7845)
  • Salford Business School, University of Salford, Lady Hale Building, Salford, UK, M5 4WT,


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