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2014 | 178 | 58-72

Article title

System rekomendacji doboru wag kryteriów oparty na ich charakterystyce probabilistycznej


Title variants

System Supporting the Decision Criteria Weights Specification Based on Their Probabilistic Characteristics

Languages of publication



A tool for supporting the negotiator during the process of the analysis of own preferences and the analysis of the preferences of the potential partner is proposed in this work. The approach is based on the construction of the collective preferences model for a selected negotiator's profile in the form of multivariate probability distribution over the space of negotiation issue weights vectors. In the process of user interaction with the system the ranges of issue weights are modified that allows for the decomposition of the general multi-variate distribution into series of uni-variate distributions corresponding to single issues. Such distributions conditionally depend on the issue weight ranges set by the decision-maker for all the remaining issues. Moreover, in the work we consider the possibility of constructing the collective preferences model in a continuous form in the case normally distributed weights for some sets of issues. The data from the Negotiation Support System Inspire [Kersten 1999] were used to examine the normality of the issue weights distribution for different issue sets.






Physical description



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