Analytical and synthetic historicism as a method requires a certain ontological, epistemological and anthropological awareness. It accepts the idea of the identity of thought and human being. A man creates a social reality, social being. Its quality determines the type of content of submission to a spirit of unity of human beings, objective social and natural world and human world. It is therefore necessary to admit that the law of world citizenship expressed in the form of universal hospitality should cover the basic needs of every person on Earth. Thus each visitor – person on Earth should, without any gratification, receive a minimum of social and living, and therefore food, adequate clothing, and place of residence. Individual human beings could bear and beget a child in accordance with the policy of the state. Each human individual should also have access to free education. The essence of the world – though getting to know – is seen as ultimately unknown people. According to Kant’s second definitive article for perpetual peace, the law of nations must be based on a federation of free states. It should be subject to the constitution. The existence of the state of the world is possible, but in the foreseeable future (an utopian idea). Analytical and synthetic historicism makes it possible to further specify the first place in the human species development.