Fats are essential nutrients and perform many different functions in the human body. They are a source of energy for tissues and organs, increase the palatability of food, and provide building material for cell membranes. So fats are an essential component of the diet – however, their impact on human health may vary. Certain cold-pressed oils are a valuable source of fatty acids, including n-3 ones, which are beneficial for human health. Oils containing the fatty acid n-3 series and oils containing GLA should be included in one’s daily diet. The content of oleic acid C 18:1 is the highest in buckthorn oil, at approximately 25%. The content of fatty acids C 18: 3 for the tested oils has nutritional benefits. At approximately 51%, the acid C 18:1 is the highest in flax oil. Fatty acid profiles can be used to classify a given type of oil by MUFA and PUFA. To compare the fats’ susceptibility to oxidation, the following value relationships can be used: Σ C 18:3 / C 18:1 and C 18:2 / Σ C 18:3. The ratio of total polyunsaturated fatty acids to saturated ΣUFA / ΣSFA in the studied oils ranged from 2.03 (buckthorn oil) to 13.16 (wild rose oil).