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2014 | 26 | 241-252

Article title

Dyskurs rozestetyzowany: w stronę (trans)filozofii obraz(owości)


Title variants

Aestheticised Discourse: Towards the (Trans)Philosophy of Picturality

Languages of publication



It is assumed that some of the most important events in human history have been determined by the appearance of literacy in place of orality. It was also the beginning of the whole philosophical tradition of ourWest thinking, as well as, in consequence, of self-consciousness of homo sapiens. It seems like to- day we are facing another turning point. Homo sapiens transforms into ...homo videns. Since perception of pictures has become a substitute of thinking, the intelligent human being has been dethroned by mindless telekid (G. Sartori). In this article I attempt to analyze the abovementioned problem and try to give some thought to the question of the influence of the transformation on a new quality of philosophical thinking. Are we dealing with a new state of our mind, the ‘pictural’ one (compare Havelock’s idea of the Homeric state of mind)? If yes, in what context should we consider the new state of mind? Shall we somehow involve here some new categories such are transversality, trans-thinking, trans-rationality or, finally, trans-philosophy? Moreover, what are the consequences of the transformation? Is it a chance or rather a symptom of a deep crisis, “the crisis of human mind and cognitive abilities” (G. Sartori)?


  • Adiunkt w Instytucie Filozofii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach oraz wykładowca na Wydziale Teatru Tańca krakowskiej PWST w Bytomiu.


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