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2018 | 3-4 (267-268) | 371-391

Article title

Państwo w strzępach – rozwój nielegalnej gospodarki w porewolucyjnej Libii i jej wpływ na kryzys polityczny i sytuację bezpieczeństwa


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The aim of this paper is to show the developments in Libya after the 17 February Revolution. For this purpose the characteristics of the Libyan state are shown along with the specifics of its three main regions. The events which led to the current political crisis are shown with an indication of the main actors who influence the situation in the country. Particular focus is directed at the development of the illicit economy that took place in the post-revolutionary conditions in the country where solid security structures are missing and peace is mainly kept by local militias who have almost no connection to the central authorities. The main argument discussed is that relationships of this kind give the regions a stronger bond than the prolonged and ineffective process of political reconciliation. Particular attention is paid to the situation in the south of the country where ethnic groups, once living in harmony, have become mortal enemies in the struggle to profit from illegal sources. Closer observation shows that the political agreement made in order to co-opt the most important actors into the governance may not be enough to implement the rule of law if the security situation does not improve significantly.




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