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2020 | 2 | 25-42

Article title

Reconfiguration of Geopolitical Strategies in Trump’s Era: The Impact of American Political Leadership’s Idiosyncrasies on the Traditional Transatlantic Relations


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The International System is traversing a challenging stage in its evolution. The United States should carefully consider the risks of an idiosyncratic leadership and closely work with their European partners, securing a world order based on the norms of multilateralism and democracy. Still, the US President Donald Trump unveils an approach based on emotional and synchronous elements. As a matter of consequence, the EU is considering other geopolitical alternatives to accomplish its goals and deliver the best outcome to the people it serves and for global prosperity. The paper investigates the very specifi c psychological factors infl uencing Trumpian political thinking and justifying his corresponding foreign policy decisionmaking processes, in the current transatlantic environment. By contextual examples, the analysis reveals the sensitivities and flaws in applying a subjective, belief-based approach of international (bilateral) relations. We put things into a broader perspective, by analysing the implications of such political behaviour patterns for the international liberal order, in the circumstances of the more and more prominent geopolitical triangle: theEU–China–the US.






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  • Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
  • Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca


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