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2011 | 18 | 101-115

Article title

Przejawy kryzysu we współczesnym rolnictwie


Title variants

Manifestations of crisis in contemporary agriculture

Languages of publication



The crisis in agriculture seems to be different than in other economic sectors. This is the result of agriculture’s specificity. There is a very strong relationship between farmers and the results of their work with natural environment. These connections are much more important than in industry or services. Food production is of greatest importance. People have to eat even during very strong economic crisis. Still, there are some types of crises present in contemporary agriculture. Some of them resemble the crises present in the last thousands of years, but some of them are characteristic for current situation. In the article the following types of contemporary agricultural problems were discussed: the crisis caused by natural environment conditions (the case of Russia and India), overproduction (the case of CAP in EU), the economic crisis (the case of West), the crisis caused by political tensions (the case of Laos and Zimbabwe) as well as the situation of Polish agriculture (after Poland’s accession to EU).




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  • Socio-economic Atlas of Lao PDR, 2008, Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South and Geographica Bernensia, Bern, Switzerland.
  • The Common Agricultural Policy Explained, European Communities 2004.
  • The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2009. Economic crises – impacts and lessons learned, 2009, FAO, Rome.The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2010. Addressing food security in protracted crises, 2010, FAO, Rome.
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Document Type

Publication order reference


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