Freedom for every human being is what allows him to behave and act as a person, and simultaneously it is in the centre of his life. It makes up his asylum, mysteries, and heart at the same time, and also is the sense of values professed by him and the whole sense of his life. Due to it, it also becomes one of more important and key problems of every man irrespective of how he approaches the issue of freedom and in what way he perceives it. Professor Słomski believes that although personalism is philosophy based on man, it unceasingly also draws from different currents which help to perceive man in a decidedly wider context. Due to it one can also assume that practically every philosophy which considers individuals can be treated as personalistic, even if this current will be Marxism. Such an approach caused that also in Professor Słomski’s philosophy there are present references to Marxism and existentialism, which are collated with Christian personalism.