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2015 | 14 | 41-55

Article title

Uczenie się w interakcjach argumentacyjnych a tożsamość ucznia jako rozmówcy.


Title variants

Learning in argumentative interactions and the identity of a student as an interaction participant

Languages of publication



Our paper deals with the problem of how student’s beliefs, expectations and attitudes influence the processes of learning in foreign language discussions. Referring to the socio-constructivist research on classroom communication (Pekarek-Doehler 1999, 2005; Ochs 1993; Klus-Stańska 2003; Hanna and de Nooy 2009), we assume that each speaker construes in a communicative task his or her identity of a learner performing a task and an argumentative interaction participant. This social identity reflects the person’s skills and beliefs, it is co-construed by other speakers and depends on a genre or communicative situation. Our research focuses on argumentative interactions carried out on the web forum in French as a foreign language. This kind of academic task creates a new challenge for FL learners. The asynchronic form of the discussion has a potential for developing individual communicative competence (Weasenforth et al 2002; Walkiers and de Praetere 2004). A crucial condition of developing communicative competence though is that learners intentionally undertake communicative actions make intellectual effort and focus on common learning aims. The aim of the analysis is to show the relation between those actions and the efficiency of learning in argumentative discourse.






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  • Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza
  • Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza


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Document Type

Publication order reference



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