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2014 | 179 | 163-171

Article title

Zasada solidarności między pokoleniami w repartycyjnych systemach emerytalnych w dobie przemian społecznych


Title variants

The Principle of Solidarity Between Generation in Payg Pensions Systems in Time of Social Transformation

Languages of publication



The subject of this article it is extremely important and relevant issue since financing of benefits in the majority of pension schemes is based on the solidarity between generations. Of special significance is the fact, that the current pension benefits are financed from the current pension fund. Changes of social lives should realize principles of stability and certitude of legal orders. Particularly, it concerns it pension system, procurement has lasting character in which for pension law. Finally, it should be emphasized that the pension systems play a significant role in life of an every person. First of all, they not only provide and guarantee the financial sources to someone who is retired but also protect the dignity of a man of an advanced age. The immutability and stability of the social security law is very important. Everyone who undertakes any work shall know in advance when and on what principles they can retire.






Physical description



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Document Type

Publication order reference



YADDA identifier

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