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2015 | 5 | 79-93

Article title

Jestem Inny! Muzyczna edukacja wczesnoszkolna a problematyka wielokulturowości


Title variants

I am Different! Early-school musical education vs. the issue of multiculturalism

Languages of publication



Multiculturalism accompanies mankind from the ancient times. Assuming it is an objective social reality, in which culturally diverse groups coexist (react and interact) with various results, there arise fundamental questions concerning the strategy of conduct in this area, which also include the aspect of musical education itself. In Europe (including Poland), the concepts of cultural pluralism in musical education appeared in the 1970s. Maria Przychodzińska defined the goals of multicultural musical education most fully, emphasizing the meaning of enhancing children’s sound imagination and openness to new music experiences in this context. Research has shown that the most appropriate time for this activity in organised musical education is at its early stage. The author considers educational theories which help to accomplishing such goals with regard to the basis of theory of intercultural musical education, and reports results of her action research conducted during a series of lessons planned according to her musical curriculum. Music lessons, aiming to build interactions based on empathy and understanding towards the Other, were conducted in two different primary schools in Gdańsk. The results confirm the belief that music can be the bridge between culturally diverse worlds and, at the stage of early education, children’s openness towards its originality and distinctness (mostly material, tonal, and performance-related) is a chance to shape empathic, tolerant and understanding attitudes, which will help the children to lead a satisfying life in a multicultural environment.


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