In the context of the interpretation of the terms «modernization» and «modification» the author has stated that: 1) modernization of the system of correctional-rehabilitation help for people with mental and physical impairments and/or disabilities, in general, and special education system, in particular, involves bringing them in accordance with the new challenges of society, based on introduction of the new standards and indicators of quality of help; 2) modification is a change in the provisions established in the approaches to the organization of correctional- rehabilitation help for people with mental and physical impairments and/or disabilities, in general, and special education system, in particular, with a purpose of their modernization. The result of the modification of established models of correctional-rehabilitation help for people with mental and physical impairments and/or disabilities, and training and education of children with special educational needs are qualitatively different in their conditions. The author notes that at the beginning of the implementation of the strategic changes in the system of correctional-rehabilitation help for people with mental and physical impairments and/or disabilities, which is a part of the special education system, it has been mostly about the modernization of the system as a whole. At the present stage, when the system changes have already taken place at the regional level, for implementation of local and modular changes we speak about modification of the system. The analysis of scientific literature and the study of the state of practice have revealed that one of the factors that negatively affects the quality of the implementation of correctional-rehabilitation help and educational services is the lack of trained professionals, who can manage these processes. Therefore, in the modernization of correctional-rehabilitation help for people with mental and physical impairments and/or disabilities, in general, and special education system, in particular, considerable attention should be given firstly to modification of educational plans and teaching material during the preparation of professionals in higher educational establishment. This is one of the factors that will lead to accordance with the new demands of society the quality of help for people with mental and physical impairments and/or disabled at the regional and institutional levels.