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2016 | 41 | 77-98

Article title

Polityczna rola diaspory na przykładzie krajów Europy Środkowo -Wschodniej

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Political impact of diasporas. The case of Central and Eastern European and post-Soviet countries

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Most of the Central and Eastern European and post-soviet countries have a longlasting tradition of emigration and possess large diasporas, often dispersed all over the world. Due to their volume and socio-economic position diasporas become on the one hand independent entities in international relations, on the other – influential actors on the political scene in the country of origin and targets of state’s policy. This article aims to analyze the political impact of diasporas on the relations with country of origin as well as on international politics. The case studies are countries of Central and Eastern Europe and post-soviet region. The article consists of four parts. The first is devoted to the conceptual considerations around the definition of diaspora and its role as subject and object of politics. The next two parts analyse the place of diasporas as actors in international relations and in the internal politics of the countries of origin. In the last section the diaspora politics are discussed, illustrated by selected examples of countries of the region.


  • Uniwersytet Warszawski


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