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2020 | 2-3 (274-275) "Świat islamu w perspektywie badań arabistycznych i politologicznych Historia i współczesność" | 119-134

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Local integration policy towards persons under international protection in Berlin. Innovation after 2015+


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In this article we analyse innovative integration programmes functioning in Berlin after 2015 for persons living under international protection. We focus on socio-spatial initiatives. Our main hypothesis is that the only effective way to integrate is to live in one’s neighbourhood. Therefore, we present programmes such as BENN or Berlin Mondiale. Our work also reaches out to educational innovations, such as coding schools for international protection beneficiaries. They confirm our hypothesis that effective integration requires cooperation of government and NGOs with the private sector. We identify voluntary participation of persons under international protection and co-creating the image of integration programs. The article is informative and may serve as a basis for further analyses of local integration at city and neighborhoods level.


  • Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
  • Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


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