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2020 | 2/45/2020 | 153-168

Article title

Deliberative democracy in the time of crisis: participatory instruments at the local level and their limitations (some remarks)



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Objectives: The study provides the reader with the presentation of one of participatory instruments - social consultations at the level of gmina administrative district. The aim of the article is to determine if the participatory instruments at the level of the basic unit of Polish local self-government were limited at the time when some new legal steps were undertaken by the Polish authorities during the coronavirus crisis (April-July 2020). Material and methods: In this particular study theoretical analysis and legal methods (including formal legal method) were applied to approach the raised questions and to formulate conclusions. Results: In Poland, during the so-called ‘lock-down’ (April-May 2020), the most popular participatory instruments at the local level - social consultations were able to work. If opinions and projects submitted for consultations were not intended to be held in person, the electronic system was working, therefore the inhabitants of gmina were able to send an electronic version of a prepared form. If the consultations were intended to be held personally, they should have been rescheduled. In the context of the latest events concerning COVID-19 crisis, we may observe the development of the activities of administrative and local bodies which are in connection with the idea of the so-called ‘digital state’. Conclusions: The diversity of forms of public participation gives a real opportunity to shape the policies of a state, region, or local government. Polish local self-governmental bodies develop some new tools and forms of communication. Information and communication technologies provide municipalities with the freedom of participation in a decision-making process, and give a real opportunity to faster exchange of information and answers to the local problems.





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  • Warmia and Mazury University in Olsztyn, Poland


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