Any person may participate in meetings, classes, academic, society, Church, family or Fatherland’s life. In herein article we will hold on reflection about participation as relevant feature of human being in the spirit of Karol Wojtyła. The present article concentrates on the aspect of correlation between act and person consequent to the fact that deeds are fulfilled by people and “mutually with other” people. That is a consequence of the fact that the person exists “mutually with other” people. The characteristic of community, co-participation is stamped on human’s existence. Fulfilling deeds by the person himself forms a fundamental value. Cardinal K. Wojtyła terms it as “Personalistic value labor”. That value is different than every kind of moral values which are fulfilled labor values and they eventuate from reference to norm. Participation doesn’t mean only varied forms of reference of a person to other people or unit to society but it also means essentials of these forms which are deeply embedded in person. Acting “mutually with others” is convenient for transcendence and integration of person in labor, when the person chooses the same as others and chooses because others choose. Participation in case of acting with others comprises and expresses self – determination of the person, hence it is in a way a more complete image. However there are possible certain forms of constriction or even crossing out of participation. Such situation is possible mostly by lack of participation descended from entity and principal of action or throughout making participation impossible derived from extraneous of person and consequent to the wrong structure of acting community. First obstacle in a way to participation is called individualism and the second is called totalism. Despite efflux of time individualism and totalism are one of the utmost threats to our society and it begins from improper understanding of participation.