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2014 | 176 | 189-200

Article title

Znaczenie ekonomiczne sportu w Unii Europejskiej



Title variants

Sport management, Social economic development

Languages of publication



The dynamic development of the sport due to the processes of globalization, commercialization and professionalization has led to an increase its importance for economies of the countries of the European Union. For more accurate description of this phenomenon, it became necessary to construct a new measurement tool. As an initiative of the European Commission in 2006 there was started a work of a Working Group on Sport and Economics. There was developed a detailed definition of sport and the methodology of the measurement what enabled to determine its added value and influence on employment in European Union. Use of new measurement tool on 2006 basis enabled to determined that added value of sports in term of statistical meaning was 28,16 bln EUR, the narrow was 112,18 bln EUR and the broad was 173,87 bln EUR. The percentages of the total number of employees amounted appropriately: 0,31%, 1,49% and 2,12%.






Physical description



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Document Type

Publication order reference



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