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2014 | 27 | 161–178

Article title

The Legacy of Senwosret I during the Reign of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III


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The article deals with the position of Senwosret I in the royal ideology of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III. Innovations introduced by this king to the architecture, as well as new motifs of decoration that appeared for the first time during the reign of Senwosret I, were not copied by other rulers for a long time. The Thutmoside co-regents were the first to reproduce or to exploit them purposely in their own constructions. The particular role of Senwosret I was also attested in the cult of this royal ancestor performed during the reign of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III, both on the official and private level. The study shows that Hatshepsut and Thutmose III emphasised those elements of Senwosret I activity which had a direct connection with the concept of kingship and its renewal, and referred to the time of renewal of the sacred landscape of Egypt and the regeneration of the sacred kingship, namely the whm mswt era – initiated by Amenemhat I, but continued and completed by Senwosret I.


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