The beginnings of botanical studies in Sub-Carpathian region (now: Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland) reach back to mid-16th century. Only in the Primitiae florae Galiciae (Besser 1809), however, the first data on the localities of particular species can be found. The next stage in botanical studies started when the Physiographical. Commission was founded (1865), which awarded annual research grants. In the years 1865–1939, 52 research projects were financed and at least 126 works based on those projects were published in 1867–1939. Most of them concerned vascular plants (71), much less – fungi and slime molds (24), algae (11), lichen (9), fossil plants (8) and bryophytes (3). Majority of plants collected during that research are kept in the Herbarium of the W. Szafer Botany Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków. Until 1939, more than 57 botanists conducted botanical research in the area of Sub-Carpathian region.