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2004 | 17 | 155-180

Article title

Znaczenie paradygmatu szkolnego dla przekazu wartości religijnych w procesie edukacyjnym


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Social Teaching raises the problem of education in its scientific reflection. The question of the direction and the form of the youths upbringing is one of the basic questions raised in different sciences. The problems of upbringing are taken into consideration by such branches of science as: sociology, politology, psychology, pedagogy and theology. The root of this old pedagogical problem is the upbringing without any values. So, once again we have to face the question: where do young people take the values from? One says: young people must take values from their family only, but the other says: they can take values from school, too. Now, we have several points in modern pedagogy and psychology. Same people want to form the process of scholar upbringing on the basis of values whilst the others prefer school of no values. Another problem are religious values at scholar process of education. For many people: teachers and parents, values of religion have very important significance. John Paul II and Social Teaching of Church say about religion as natural and fundamental humans need. The task of religious teaching and upbringing of the young people, and their religion education is one of the firm elements of educational responsibility of the Church, in the universal and local dimension. The Church realizes these important tasks by school religion lessons (catechesis). But it is not one and only method of transmitting religious values. The other method is integral education, which is being realized also by other school subjects. So, transmission of religion values is not only the duty of Church, but also all educators. A great deal of my dissertation is devoted to the situation of the contemporary generation of youth. The occurring socio-political, economical and cultural changes, a revolution in electronic communication and a spectacular rise of media all of this has influence on the education of young generation.







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