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2016 | 54 | 135-140

Article title

Bad Hindelang-Oberjoch jako alpejskie centrum zimowej turystyki sportowej w opinii turystów



Title variants

Bad Hindelang-Oberjoch as an Alpine centre of winter sports tourism in the opinion of tourists

Languages of publication



Background. The aim of the study is to show the development of winter sports tourism in Bad Hindelang-Oberjoch as one of the most important tourism centres in Germany. Another aim is to present the possibilities, forms, and motives of tourists’ sports activity in Bad Hindelang-Oberjoch. Material and methods. A special questionnaire was prepared and applied by the author to examine certain aspects of winter sports tourism among res­pondents (a pilot survey study). In addition, informative materials of the Bavarian Statistical Office in Munich were used, as well as data from the official website presenting Bad Hindelang and its tourism. The research was conducted in February and March of 2015 among 209 adult tourists in Bad Hindelang. Results and conclusions. The own research results show that the majority of respondents are very active in winter sports. In their opinion, Bad Hindelang-Oberjoch offers good conditions to practice sport.






Physical description




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