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2014 | 4(87) | 92-100

Article title

Higher education teacher competences in view of the changing social conditions


Selected contents from this journal

Title variants

Kompetencje nauczyciela akademickiego w świetle zmieniających się warunków społecznych

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Higher education in the European Union countries passes through the process of transformation, reflecting the global changes in economic, political and social spheres and the consequent shift in the understanding of the purpose of schooling. The role of school today is to equip students with such knowledge, skills and abilities that will enable them to achieve success in work and in life, abiding by moral and ethical values of society. A specific role of a higher education teacher consists in teaching adults who are physically mature, but still need guidance in their social and emotional development. A higher education teacher fulfils the roles of a pedagogue, a researcher, a team member, a member of society, which poses high requirements to his/her professional and personal competences. The paradigm of lifelong learning applies to all members of the knowledge society, especially to higher education teachers preparing future specialists who will once be responsible for further development of society





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  • University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Professional Language Communication


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