The administration is not homogeneous phenomenon and definition also multifaceted very much in people surrounding which is almost im-possible to define it in one compromised way as it is with law definition. Many of doctrine representatives tries to undertake all possible ef-forts to do this. They achieves only partial success obtaining wide or close meanings of this phenomenon in its meritorious, subject or mixed sphere. They have never – however – achieved full or complete success in administration define way. People are building theirs world – instinctually – on the base of many life experiences and observations with more or less conscious-ness. Frequently it is theirs own body with its structures as an example for constructing its reality and its structures. State Administration has a lot in common in „anatomic”, „morphol-ogic” and „physiologic” spheres in functioning and construction to the nerve system of vertebrates becoming the nerve system of the society. Pathologic phenomenons which destroys totally or partially nerve system of vertebrates or its particular parts are damaging similarly to nerve system of the society and its particular parts.Therapy process – however – as well as its rehabilitation in both cases has not so many in common each other. Health rehabilitation – notwithstanding to its obvious difficulty – seems to be easier. During pathologic processes of nerve system of the society rehabili-tation the only one fruitful method seems to be both upbringing penalty sanctions and education. It is then changing of people mentality. It is not – however – running for days, weeks or years. Often it is process for generations.