The paper deals with the innovative rehabilitation methodology that includes four sets of symmetrical corrective exercises («Gymnastics of Tiger-cubs», «Cat-Murkotik», «Hedgehog-traveler» and «A set of strength corrective exercises with simulators») and two sets of asymmetric and detorsional exercises. The methodology has solved the following tasks: correction of the spinal column form, improvement of the respiratory system functional state, formation of the correct posture stereotype, harmonious development of physical qualities, and especially that of strength and endurance power of the main trunk muscle groups and limbs, motivation for children to lead a healthy lifestyle. In the process of performing corrective exercises the following devices have been used: child trainer «Accordion» designed for the development of the flexors and extremities adductors; expander «Bow» designed for the extensors and extremities abductor muscles; child dumbbells «cat» and «hedgehog» the weight of which was being gradually increased from 100 g to 300 g; foam gloves «tiger cub’s paw» that made it possible to perform the exercises in clapping, resting, flapping and vibrating massage. In the process of the developed methodology implementation, the general teaching and special principles of correctional pedagogy have been the following: the ones presupposing child’s deliberate and active participation in the correctional process, the individual approach, accessibility and visualization, novelty and systematic character, gradual character and consistency, humanistic orientation, respect for child’s individuality, relying on positive character qualities, the unity of diagnosis and correction. The methodology has included two implementation periods: educational-preparatory that has lasted 2 weeks and correctional-training that has continued up to the end of the research. Physical activity has been chosen in accordance with the age of a child, the degree of the spine curvature, physical training, as well as individual peculiarities of the development.