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2022 | 12 (380) | 61-81

Article title

Glosa aprobująca do uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z 9.12.2021 r., III CZP 16/21 - określenie maksymalnej wysokości kary umownej lub terminu końcowego do jej naliczania jako przesłanka ważności kary umownej

Title variants

Affirmative gloss to the resolution of the Supreme Court of 9.12.2021, III CZP 16/21 - assessment of the amount of the contractual penalty or the ending date of calculating this penalty as a premise for the validity of the contractual penalty
Zustimmende Glosse zum Beschluss des Obersten Gerichts vom 9.12.2021, Aktz. III CZP 16/21 – Festlegung der maximalen Höhe der Vertragsstrafe oder des Enddatums ihres Verlangens als die Voraussetzung der Gültigkeit der Vertragsstrafe

Languages of publication



The subject of this glossis to determine the correcyness of the thesis expressed by the Supreme Court in the resolutions of December 9, 2021, III CZP 16/21 that: .It is permissible to reserve a contractual penalty for delay in the performance of the obligation in the form of speific percentage of the agreed contractual renumeration for each day of delay, even if yhe final date for calculating the contractual penalty and its maximum amount is not specified. The analyzed issudes are partially controversial in the doctrine, but well-grounded in the judicature. The subject of this glossary is not on theoretical, but above all practical. In economic practice, the parties often stipulate in the contract contractual penalties specified by indicating the grounds for calulating tchem, the calculation date of which is not konown in advance or the maximum amount of contractual penalties (eg contractual penalty for delay constituing .percentage. pf the renumeration value). Thus failure to approve the thesis adopted in the voted resolution of the Supreme Court would limit the possibility of cleaning contractual damages and consequently make it significantly more difficult for creditors to claim compensation in the event of non . performance or improper performance of an obligation, due to problems related to proving the premises for liability for damages on general principles, in including, among others the amount of damage.






Physical description


  • doktorant w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych, Prawo Cywilne i Prawo Prywatne Międzynarodowe, Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach ORCID: 0000-0002-4219-5884


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Publication order reference


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