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2011 | 115-116 | 297-323

Article title

Recepcja pismiennisctwa o historii jasnogórskiego obrazu Matki Bożej na przykładzie O. Ksawerego Rottera Gnad- und wundervolle Brosamen von der Königlichen Taffel Herrscherein Himmels, und Erden Maria



Title variants

The reception of the literature concerning the history of Mother of God from Jasna Góra painting on the ezample of Father Ksawery Rotter's Gnad- und wundervolle Brosamen von der königlichen Taffel Herrscherin Himmels, und Erden Maria

Languages of publication



In this article the problems connected with the reception of the literature concerning the history o f Mother of God from Jasna Góra painting were presented on the example o f Father Ksawery Rotter Gnad - und wundervolle Brosamen von der königlichen Taffel Herrscherin Himmels, und Erden Maria. The own Father Ksawery opinion concerning the history of this painting and its miraculous activity was presented, drawing the profile o f historical inquiries connected with this painting, what formed the ground of subsequent analysis o f the work. Every stage o f the history assigned to this painting was presented taking into account the literature, which was the source o f the author’s considerations. The analysis o f the heritage o f the literature concerning Jasna Góra painting’s history allows to certify, that the inclination to exaggerated allegory and the interpretation o f the symbols is serious difficulty in the reception o f this composition. The value of the literature connected with Jasna Gora’s RECEPCJA PIŚMIENNICTWA O HISTORII... 323 miraculous painting was treated as the relation to universal considerations of Mariology at that time, what is actual today, but with some accretions visible in the form and the content of presented works. The literature connected with Jasna Gôra’s painting history has characteristic juristic mode of presented thoughts, polemic tone o f statements expressing in exaggerated multiple arguments o f stated thesis. In the literature connected with Jasna Gôra’s painting there is difficult to find strictly historical Works, because All this literature is devoted to the cult of Virgin Mary. The literature connected with Jasna Gôra’s miraculous painting history is indissoluble related to Jasna Góra as the cult centre. Jasna Góra has not only religious and priestly significance, but it was full o f vitality literature centre affecting the society by Pauline Fathers activity connected with pilgrimages. Jasna Góra and its miraculous painting was the aim of the pilgrimages not only from Poland, but also from Silesia, Moravia and Hungary. The Pauline Fathers were not passive towards to the pilgrims. They published for the pilgrims the religious works popularizing the literature values. The existence o f Jasna Góra as saint place, the biggest pilgrimage centre in Poland had the reflection in the literature dedicated the miraculous painting history. Translated by





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