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2014 | 26 | 157-174

Article title

Koncepcja mitów politycznych w filozofii Ersta Cassirera i jej aktualność



Title variants

Ernst Cassirer’s Conception of Political Myth and its Validity

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Cassirer’s conception of the modern political myth needs to be treated as one of the elements of his philosophy of culture. To apprehend the conception without its systemic background would be against the “spirit” of this specific type of philosophy which is characterised by focus on coherent unity. It is true, however, that Cassirer only devoted his last writings to this topic, in the period when he lived a life of an exiled Jewish intellectual. Myth as a specific form of thought has never lost its power and it easily takes control over people’s minds and emotions in the times of crisis. Modern politicians are well aware of this fact. They organize myth and adjust it to their political needs and use it for their concrete political ends. The only solution is to understand the nature of the new myth and to fight it with fortitude and generosity.


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