Dear Honourable Readers, dear Authors, priceless Reviewers whose extensive knowledge makes editing and publishing of “Ochrona Zabytków” possible! Tempus fugit… It would seem that not long ago we handed over the second volume of Anno Domini 2014, along with Christmas wishes, to our Readers. As I am writing the introduction to the second volume of Anno Domini 2015, it is hard for me to believe that another year goes by, that the Advent is already there and Christmas is around the bend. Therefore, it is time to start thinking about new fascicules, new important and interesting topics and, to be honest, it is not that easy. In our editorial room, we are currently observing a certain, hopefully temporary, decline in the willingness to write about a broadly understood cultural heritage, about interesting and important conservation work carried out at universities and research centres. Perhaps, the situation I am talking about is related to the need to publish results of research and conservation work at higher education institutions, their bulletins and studies. In any case, the Noble Matron the “Ochrona Zabytków” still remains, certainly deserves attention, being (perhaps mutatis mutandis) the oldest Polish scientific periodical dealing with the protection of heritage in all of its dimensions, which can be well exemplified, in my opinion, by another fascicule presented to you, with a number 2/2015, containing 10 sections providing diversified and rich subject matter, starting from architectural research, through iconographic, technical and technological issues in conservation, to legal and economic issues and those related to UNESCO World Heritage. This volume is accompanied by reviews of publications as well as a report concerning a legal seminar. The volume is crowned by a remembrance of Michał Gradowski – a notable researcher and expert in goldsmith’s craft, awarded with a Gloria Artis medal. Dear Readers, before I turn to Christmas wishes, let me remind you about a curious, albeit little known, fact concerning (to a certain extent) the National Heritage Board of Poland – abbreviated as NID. It turns out that during World War II this abbreviation was used by a (British) Navy Intelligence Division. After all, this is quite a nice affinity. It is linked to a further story including Krystyna Skarbek, Ian Fleming, James Bond, Vesper Lynd and the entire Casino Royale (1953). In this way we are lightly and merrily entering the Christmas atmosphere. Let us all be of good cheer – Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Jacek Serafinowicz Editor-in-Chief