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2017 | 15 | 176-189

Article title

Ujawnienie w europejskim poświadczeniu spadkowym udziału w spadku nabytego tytułem wyrównania dorobków w małżeństwie spadkodawcy i spadkobiercy : glosa do postanowienia Kammergericht w Berlinie z dnia 25 października 2016 r., 6 W 80/16 (pytanie prejudycjalne w sprawie C-558/16, Mahnkopf)


Title variants

Revealing a share in the estate acquired as a result of share of gains in the marriage of the deceased and the heir in the European certificate of succession : case-note on the preliminary question of Kammergericht in Berlin of 25 October 2016 in the case C-558/16, Mahnkopf

Languages of publication



The text comments on the preliminary question of Kammergericht in Berlin in the case C-558/16, Mahnkopf. It concerns revealing a share in the estate acquired according to § 1371 German BGB - as a result of simplified share of gains (Zugewinnausgleich) - in the European certificate of succession. Determining the boundary between the applicable matrimonial property and the applicable succession law, the author qualifies the share in the estate resulting from § 1371 BGB as a succession law regulation. It should, thus, be revealed in the European certificate of succession. The author criticises at the same time a few assumptions made by the Kammergericht on the European certificate of succession itself.



Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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