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2008 | 57 | 4 | 133-151

Article title

Knowledge-based society – near future or distant prospect?



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The submitted paper proposes that the emergence of the knowledge based society does not primarily depend on the structural conditioning of its functioning, its technological infrastructure or proper management of information space, etc., but rather on the quality of knowledge which is at people’s disposal and which is to a large extent shaped by the school. The analysis of parameters of the school knowledge which is currently implemented at schools reveals that the formation of graduates does not meet the requirements of the age of the knowledge based society. It can be, thus, extrapolated that the knowledge based society (not to be confused with society whose economy is based on knowledge) still remains a rather remote prospect. Thus, in order to make it a nearer perspective, radical steps must be undertaken to reform institutions responsible for the condition of individual awareness, which applies particularly to schools.








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  • The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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