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2016 | 43 | 93-120

Article title

Polska na wschodzących rynkach Afryki Subsaharyjskiej na przykładzie RPA


Title variants

Poland in the Emerging Markets of Sub-Saharan Africa on the Example of South Africa

Languages of publication



The growing significance of Africa in international economic relations and the increasing interdependence of economies require Poland to adopt new models of cooperation with this part of the world. The purpose of this article is to present the opportunities that Poland faces in the emerging Sub-Saharan markets on the example of South Africa. The text focuses on this particular country because it could become a bridgehead of Polish interests in Africa. The article presents the dynamics, nature and extent of the changes taking place in the economies of the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. It elaborates on the nature of the phenomenon of Africa as a prospective market for Polish enterprises. Against this background, the author characterises South Africa’s economic potential, identifying the most developed branches of its economy. At the same time conclusions included in the paper could prove useful for Polish entities already functioning or intending to invest in the South African market and in the African market in general. The author describes the determinants of the state and the extent of relations between Poland and South Africa, characterising the institutional and legal framework – in terms of both bilateral rules and those resulting from agreements between the EU and South Africa, like the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). The author further points out the challenges and weaknesses related to Polish economic activity in the South African market on the level of Polish central government (the so called economisation of Polish foreign policy), private entities, economic self-government and local governments (e.g. offices of the marshals of Poland’s voivodeships).







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  • Centrum Europejskie Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Niepodległości 22, 02-653 Warszawa, Polska


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