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2015 | 2 (68) | 23-30

Article title

Teoretychni aspekty vyznachennya sutnosti innovacijnogo potencialu

Title variants

Theoretical Aspects of Defining the Essence of the Innovative Potential

Languages of publication



Improvement of state of the economy of Ukraine, first of all, depends on development of the innovation capacity of the enterprises and regions. Experience of economically developed countries proves that the level of development of the innovation sphere, in particular sciences, the latest technologies, the knowledge-intensive industries, the enterprises which implement innovations is a key factor for determination of a place of national economy in international market in the conditions of globalization. This article is devoted to studying of theoretical aspects of essence of the innovation potential of subjects of managing. The overview of modern scientific approaches concerning interpretation of the concept «the innovation potential» does not give the chance to define a uniform method of its treatment. Also in article the essence of the innovation potential is analyzed and its main components such as are defined: resource, productive and internal. On the basis of the revealed problem of lack of unanimity of views in understanding of category of «the innovation potential» own generalized determination of this concept was offered.



  • Department of Economics and Business-Administration, Sumy State University


Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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