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2013 | 5 (52) | 61-64

Article title

Tożsamość organizacji a wdrażanie zaawansowanych narzędzi informatycznych


Title variants

Organizational identity and its role in the implementation of advanced IT solutions

Languages of publication



Organizational culture and identity are closely linked to the management. In IT, during implementations of advanced systems, soft and not measurable factors, as organizational identity and culture, are not always taken into consideration. In this article the organizational identity is described as one of the key success factors for the advanced IT projects. This article takes issue with the approach to the management of IT projects based solely on measurable variables, such as cost-functionality-time. The author refers to the case studies in which the organizational culture and identity had a significant impact on the results of IT projects.






Physical description


  • Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej


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Document Type

Publication order reference


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