The aim of the review study is to evaluate the current state of Czech educational research and to offer possibilities of its further development. The paper has three parts. In the first part, the author presents the context of the topic: the current changes in the financing of research and development in the Czech Republic; the avoiding of the term (social) science is discussed along with the issue of institutional financing of research and the various presently up-to-date methodologies of quality assessment in research. In the second part, the author analyses the current state of Czech educational research – previous analyses of J. Průcha, J. Mareš and E. Walterová and those carried out by the Educational Research Centre are briefly summarised. In the third part, possibilities of further development of Czech educational research are offered. Developing a knowledge base of educational sciences is used as an example. First the nature and subject of knowledge that is produced by research is analysed, then the difference between pedagogical research and research in education is discussed. Towards the end, relevant approaches are discussed along with research areas and types of knowledge acquired by research.