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2017 | 16 | 9-35

Article title

Ochrona prawna dziedzictwa archeologicznego a rzeczywiste możliwości służb konserwatorskich na przykładzie stanowisk wpisanych do rejestru zabytków w Lednogórze, Moraczewie i Goślinowie


Title variants

Legal protection of archaeological heritage and effective capability of conservation services illustrated through the examples of Lednogóra, Moraczewo and Goślinowo — archaeological sites entered into the register of monuments

Languages of publication



This paper outlines the issue of the conservation protection of archaeological heritage using the example of three sites from the communes of Gniezno and Łubowo entered in the register of monuments. The sites in Moraczewo (site 16), Lednogóra (site 8) and Goślinowo (site 4) are briefly presented. The first part presents international and national legal acts referring to the protection and care of monuments in a historical perspective. Next, operative regulations are presented from the practical side. The paper describes the scope of their execution, executive possibilities for conservation services and the problems of cooperation between administrative units at various levels in the broadly understood system of monument protection. The issue of the value of cultural heritage, still much-debated not only in the conservation but also in the scholarly milieu, is also discussed. The importance and preservation of the relics of the past in contemporary society is best illustrated by the current proceedings to receive the consent for the construction of a lignite opencast mine in Ościsłów. The investment has received wide coverage in the social media, television and the press among others due to the discovery of a megalithic cemetery, thus confirming that the value of heritage cannot be measured only by objective and standardised criteria. The issues of property and finances are considered the main problems in the protection of monuments. The responsibility for the monument lies primarily with the owner and the costs associated with the maintaining and good preservation of the heritage are often very high. This paper therefore emphasises the need for a closer cooperation between conservation services and monument owners or investors. Theoretical and legal considerations lead up to a discussion on the problem of the protection of archaeological heritage in real situations. Examples here include three sites under one of the higher forms of protection, i.e., an entry in the register of monuments, which are under threat from investments. First, the site in Moraczewo may be destroyed by a significant extension of a residential building and the construction of a car workshop. Secondly, Lednogóra is an example of an archaeological site difficult to protect by conservation services due to faulty provisions in the current local spatial development plan that was adopted almost 20 years earlier. Finally, the Goślinowo site is threatened by destruction due to the implementation of the construction of the S5 express road, a strategic investment for this part of the country. The examples discussed illustrate the diversity of activities undertaken by conservation services. However, as the above analysis demonstrates, the complexity of the problems related to the protection of cultural heritage is not limited to the possibility of applying relevant paragraphs. We often face a dilemma as to how much compromise we should make to protect as much of our archaeological heritage as possible. The first part presents international and national legal acts referring to the protection and care of monuments in a historical perspective. Next, operative regulations are presented from the practical side. The paper describes the scope of their execution, executive possibilities for conservation services and the problems of cooperation between administrative units at various levels in the broadly understood system of monument protection. The issue of the value of cultural heritage, still much-debated not only in the conservation but also in the scholarly milieu, is also discussed. The importance and preservation of the relics of the past in contemporary society is best illustrated by the current proceedings to receive the consent for the construction of a lignite opencast mine in Ościsłów. The investment has received wide coverage in the social media, television and the press among others due to the discovery of a megalithic cemetery, thus confirming that the value of heritage cannot be measured only by objective and standardised criteria. The issues of property and finances are considered the main problems in the protection of monuments. The responsibility for the monument lies primarily with the owner and the costs associated with the maintaining and good preservation of the heritage are often very high. This paper therefore emphasises the need for a closer cooperation between conservation services and monument owners or investors. Theoretical and legal considerations lead up to a discussion on the problem of the protection of archaeological heritage in real situations. Examples here include three sites under one of the higher forms of protection, i.e., an entry in the register of monuments, which are under threat from investments. First, the site in Moraczewo may be destroyed by a significant extension of a residential building and the construction of a car workshop. Secondly, Lednogóra is an example of an archaeological site difficult to protect by conservation services due to faulty provisions in the current local spatial development plan that was adopted almost 20 years earlier. Finally, the Goślinowo site is threatened by destruction due to the implementation of the construction of the S5 express road, a strategic investment for this part of the country. The examples discussed illustrate the diversity of activities undertaken by conservation services. However, as the above analysis demonstrates, the complexity of the problems related to the protection of cultural heritage is not limited to the possibility of applying relevant paragraphs. We often face a dilemma as to how much compromise we should make to protect as much of our archaeological heritage as possible.






Physical description




  • Wojewódzki Urząd Ochrony Zabytków w Poznaniu
  • Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Instytut Archeologii


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Publication order reference



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