W artykule naszkicowany został obraz filozofii wychowania w Czechach i Polsce. Czeską filozofię wychowania scharakteryzowano od końca XIX wieku do chwili obecnej. Opisane zostały jej główne ośrodki i kierunki badawcze oraz czołowi przedstawiciele. W podobny sposób ustalano kapitał polskiej myśli wychowawczo-filozoficznej, wykorzystując przede wszystkim internetową bazę danych „Nauka polska”. Na tej podstawie porównano stan rozwoju filozofii wychowania w Polsce i Czechach.
The article contains an image of philosophy of education in the Czech Republic and Poland. Philosophy of education in the Czech Republic is discussed from the late nineteenth century to the present. The main directions of research in philosophy of education and the most important Czech representatives are described. Special attention was paid to Radim Palouse, which is one of the main representative of contemporary philosophy of education. Moreover, in the Czech Republic there are three main centres where research is carried out in the field of philosophy of education. It was decided to focus on the Polish academic staff as well. The achievements of Polish philosophical thought are analyzed (based on Names of researchers and academic centres are pointed out. Comparative analysis of the Czech and Polish philosophy of education shows that in Poland much more people conduct research in this field as well as there is much more publications.