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2019 | 3(42) | 173-180

Article title

The good (well-being) of the child and proceedings in cases of minors in Polish law


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The subject of the study is to present Polish legal regulations applicable in the case of a minor's demoralization. The ongoing cultural changes of a global nature are conducive to the moral degradation of young people. Human freedom has become the basic value inscribed in the human rights system. This freedom is often abused especially by young people. In addition, transferring human activity to cyberspace to a large extent limits the ability to control the activity of a young person. The aim of this work is to present the statutory definition of the concept of demoralization, its specific cases, and the course of proceedings before a family court in such cases. It is also important to show the attitude of the Polish legislator aimed at saving the minors, and not punishing them. Any penalties imposed on the minors are used as the final measures. The effect of the study is to present the substantive law and the system of dealing with minors before the family court in case of its demoralization.





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