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2019 | 3(42) | 95-108

Article title

Transformations of cultural public event’s message in the Ukrainian mass media



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Objectives: The complexity of studying cultural public events as an object of journalism is that they are not real news but specially designed messages that can be part of the strategic plan of the stakeholders. In theoretical research, such type of special events is called media events, or pseudo-events (Boorstin, 1992, 32-37). Newsbreak of the public event grounds not only on information about the present but also about the past (culture memory, collective behavior, etc.). The problem is that the impact of the message of a cultural event depends on the will of elites, such as political, business figures or public activists. People and institutions involved in the field of the organization of the event, journalists as transmitters or interpreters, and it is important to help ordinary consumers not to fall into the trap of the frame of a cultural event, not to be used as manipulative purposes.subjects of production of this message. This issue is aimed to identify markers of cultural public event message transformations that affect mass-media. Material and methods: To conduct research, we use the ontology approach by Allein Badiou and media discourse analysis approach. For analysis, we choose public events, which are based on organized cultural events. Results: Define the four trends of the transformation of public event message in media discourse: increasing, decreasing, splashes of attention, decorative discourse. Conclusions: Shifts of the meanings depend on the ontology of the public event message, its creation, implementation, and perception. In order to prevent manipulative influences, this knowledge helps to develop the productive motivation to a responsible attitude towards information products.





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  • Karazins Kharkiv National University, Ukraine, Kharkiv


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